How did you get involved in MMA and how long have you been training?
-I actually started with jiu-jitsu which I have been training for about 5 years and the gym I was training with at the time started pushing me towards MMA. I went along with it and fell in love with it!!
Where are you currently training, and what's a typical training week like for you?
-I am currently training at Weapons at Hand and also Gracie Barra Corpus Christi. A typical training week for me consists of training cross-fit every morning followed by a run, then jiu-jitsu, pad work, a little rest and then MMA/ kickboxing at night 6 days a week.
Tell us about your upcoming fight, who your fighting and where?
-I will be fighting August 26th for Tuff-N-Uff in Vegas and I will be fighting Kathryn Davis.
What is your best experience as a fighter? What is your worst?
-My best experience as a fighter has been losing my second fight because it was a huge wake up call for me! My worst experience has been just the stress of having to switch gyms allot here in Corpus when I first started fighting MMA because stupid me dated my first coach! But everything happens for a reason and I am now training with an awesome team and I couldn't ask for a better coach!
What advice would you give to other women who are reading this interview and want to get started in MMA?
-Just do it! It is so fun and it’s my life!
What are some of the hurdles that you think Women in MMA need to overcome before Women's MMA will be considered a top level sport like Men's MMA is today?
-I guess we just need to keep fighting and show what we have. I personally think that women's MMA most of the time is more interesting than men's if they are experienced fighters. More people just need to watch it!
When do you think we will see women’s divisions in the UFC?
- I don't know but I hope soon!
What or who are your inspirations in MMA and life?
-I want to be one of the best 115 fighters in the world! I also am starting college in the fall at Texas A&M Corpus and am majoring in exercise science.
Who are your favorite MMA fighters?
-GSP!!! :)
How do you enjoy your free time when not training or fighting? Any hobbies?
-Honestly I don't really have that much free time, when I do though I spend time with friends and family. I just recently graduated high school and I was a high school cheerleader but now fighting and working out are my only hobbies!
Are you single?
What do you look for in a guy?
-I look for someone that either does what I do or understands how time consuming fighting is, also someone that has an awesome personality along with good looks and someone that has his life together!
What are your turn-ons?
-Vale tudo shorts :) lol, smiles and tattoos.
What are your turnoffs?
What would you say is your best feature?
-Hmm…I'm not sure, my face :) lol and my booty :)
Any shout outs you would like to make?
-Thank you to my Weapons at Hand Team and my coach Stacy Jorgensen, thank you to Tim Hamilton from SeaCity Crossfit, Rocks Vitamins, Armadillo Chiropractor, Gracie Barra CC and to everyone that has helped me so far along the way and of course God and my family!
Thank you very much for your time Jordan. We wish you continued success in MMA, good luck with school and bring home that belt on Friday! Keep an eye on this MMA babe on Facebook, on Twitter @jngaza92 and her official website.
Jordan Gaza defeats Katherine Davis via guillotine at 2:41 of round 1 to win the 115 pound Tuffnuff title.