How did you get involved in MMA and how long have you been training?
-Maurice Travis a 3x World Muay Thai Champion & Superbrawl Champion moved to Myrtle Beach, SC and opened a dojo. Some of my guy friends began training with him and told me I should try it out. I finally did one day and loved it. I trained somewhat inconsistently until 2009 when I had my first MMA fight.
Where are you currently training, and what's a typical training week like for you?
-On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to Robert Drysdale’s gym from 11am-1pm for a MMA and grappling class. I also sometimes go to Xtreme Couture’s from 4pm-6pm to do boxing with Gil Martinez and I usually finish up the day with Muay Thai class with Mark Beecher from 8pm-9pm. Tuesday and Thursday I go to Drysdale’s in the morning for Gi and No-Gi classes. I also sometimes go to a conditioning class with Norm aka “Satan” at Throwdown gym from 5pm-6pm and I usually do Muay Thai from 8pm-9pm as well. Saturdays are conditioning days with “Satan” and Sunday is rest day!! Depending on whether I have a fight or not I will also incorporate sprints in there and I don’t always make it to every class but if I have a fight then I try to work out two times a day six days a week. If I don’t have a fight then it’s more like two times a day 4-5 days a week. I work part-time as well so that affects my schedule also.
Tell us about your upcoming fight, who you're fighting and where?
-I’m fighting Liz McCarthy for the TuffnUff 110lb title at the Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas on August 26, 2011.
What is your best experience as a fighter? What is your worst?
-The best experience is successfully putting all your hard work into action and walking away with the win. The worst is gassing early on in a fight. It happened to me in my first fight and I hope to never experience that again.
What advice would you give to other women who are reading this interview and want to get started in MMA?
-Don’t let anyone stop you and don’t focus on what other people think or say. Have patience because so many skills can only be fine tuned with experience and time. It is the most challenging sport I have ever competed in but at the same time the most rewarding so I would urge other woman to just stick with it, work really hard and then enjoy the results.
What are some of the hurdles that you think Women in MMA need to overcome before Women's MMA will be considered a top level sport like Men's MMA is today?
-One, we need just a little more time to persuade the naysayers. I think anytime you challenge a social norm (like women fighting) it just takes some time for people to get comfortable with it. Two, we need a deeper talent pool which, is happening more quickly than people realize. Already I see how much easier it is to get fights now compared to only a year ago. Three, we need more than a few female fighters that stand out. We need more than a “face of women’s MMA,” we need faces. Again, I think this will just take time and a willingness of the female athletes to market themselves and make it a priority to “get themselves out there.”
When do you think we will see women’s divisions in the UFC?
-When it becomes lucrative to do so. Women’s MMA isn’t going anywhere so if the UFC doesn’t pick them up, someone else will. I think most likely there will be other promotions holding women’s fights for a while still but eventually I see women’s MMA as a big money maker for the UFC and once that happens, you’ll see women fighting there.
What or who are your inspirations in MMA and life?
-Any high level athlete that pushes themselves is an inspiration to me. Moving out to Vegas has allowed me to get to know some of these high level athletes in MMA personally and each and everyone is an inspiration. They all have a few things in common, those being an incredible work ethic, a great mental capacity to deal with stress and a high level of competitiveness.
Who are your favorite MMA fighters?
-I don’t have a particular favorite although when I get asked this question I’ll usually defer to Megumi Fugii.
How do you enjoy your free time when not training or fighting? Any hobbies?
-I like to surf but that’s not happening much out here in the desert. I like to hang with friends and family, I like to be outdoors and active or sometimes just be alone and read a book.
Any future plans or dreams?
-Of course I want to be the Champ in my weight class as a professional fighter. I also look forward to eventually starting my own business and I want to travel a lot more as well. I view myself as an eternal student of life and my dream would be to just travel the world learning about it.
Ok we have a few questions for the fella’s reading this as well.
Are you single?
-Yes for the first time in a long time and that’s how it’s going to stay for awhile I’m dating MMA at the moment and I’m enjoying the simplicity of it.
What do you look for in a guy?
-My perfect guy would have to be many but also have morals and manners. Athletic and intelligent. I’ve finally gotten old enough to appreciate the “nice guy” which is good. I’m drawn to athletes or someone with exceptional talent (I suppose we all are).
What are your turn-ons?
-A healthy body and lifestyle, and intelligence.
What are your turnoffs?
-The opposite of above, smoking cigarettes is gross as is not taking care of your body. Rude or ditzy guys get on my nerves too.
What would you say is your best feature?
-I’ll leave that up to you guys
Any shout outs you would like to make?
-My sponsors Ranger Up, Exotics Racing, The Gunstore, The Fight Dentist, Fight Chix, Tapout Pro & Babes of MMA. Also I’d like to shout out to all my training peeps out in California, Jake Ellenberger, Jessica Pene, Kaiyana Rain and Mark Munoz for making all that happen. All my training partners in Vegas including Jessica Rakoczy, Gil Martinez and everyone from Robert Drysdale’s gym.
Thank you very much for your time Jordan. As a sponsor and fan we are very excited for your fight tomorrow and look forward to you winning the title! Keep up with Jordan and her career by logging into Facebook and on Twitter @JordanMcDonald.
Jordan loses via triangle choke at 1:03 of round two. Hold your head up high Jordan, we are proud of you!