How did you get involved in MMA and how long have you been training?
-I walked into UFC Gym to get fit and to lose weight and found Muay Thai and loved it.
Where are you currently training, and what's a typical training week like for you?
-I am currently training with Anthony Britton at UFC Gym – Rosemead. I work full-time and train at night 6 days a week.
Tell us about your upcoming fight, who you're fighting and where?
-I am fighting Stefani Pogue at the Nokia Theater, Sunday May 19th for the University of MMA promotion in Los Angeles.
What is your best experience as a fighter? What is your worst?
-Best and worst are the same, fighting my teammate, friend and the woman who inspired me to train hard, Monica. She is the ultimate competition in my opinion and we have had to fight twice.
What advice would you give to other women who are reading this interview and want to get started in MMA?
-I would advise them to get together with as many other girls and train together, push each other and compete with each other. Too often you get one tough chick in a gym, no one tests her, guys aren’t “competing” with her, and then she goes to a tournament or a fight and gets tested for the first time.
What are some of the hurdles that you think Women in MMA need to overcome before Women's MMA will be considered a top level sport like Men's MMA is today?
-First, the girls that are jumping to pro real quick need to get weeded out of the good shows. We can’t have fights in the mainstream where it looks like a girl is being punched in the face for the first time ever. But I also think that a lot of women are forced to be practical in their lives and cannot pursue pipe dreams of becoming an MMA champion. Now that the UFC is making it possible, I think a lot more women will begin to train a lot more seriously!
What or who are your inspirations in MMA and life?
-For combat sports, probably Mike Tyson, Miriam Nakamoto, Ronda Rousey and Gina Carano. In life, I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful people at the UFC Gym, my coach Anthony Britton, his family, the trainers at the gym and other members constantly inspire me. It’s the type of place that no matter what you are capable of, someone else can do something awesome that you can’t, and that’s inspiring.
Who are your favorite MMA fighters?
-Ronda Rousey, Diaz brothers, Anderson Silva and Jessica Eye.
How do you enjoy your free time when not training or fighting?
-I don’t understand what these words mean, “not training?”
Of course we have a few questions for the male readership as well.
Are you single?
What are your turn-ons?
What are your turnoffs?
-Flossing, fronting, and exaggerating!
What would you say is your best feature?
-Used to be my feminine toes, now, not so much.
Any future plans or dreams?
-To be the first UFC Gym athlete from scratch to make it to the UFC.
Any shout outs you would like to make?
-To all my future opponents: “Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide!”
Thank you very much for your time Laura and best of luck on Sunday. For more on "Lethal" Laura Salazar be sure to stop by her website, Facebook page and check out some of her fight videos on YouTube.
Laura Salazar defeated Stefani Pogue via split decision.