How did you get involved in MMA and how long have you been training?
-I’ve been training for the last seven years. I’ve always been in some type of martial arts but I started training and I told myself if I’m going to train this hard I’m going to get something out of it.
Where are you currently training, and what's a typical training week like for you?
-I am training at Wanderlei Silva’s gym in Las Vegas. I also train at A-team when I’m in California. I normally train anywhere from 8-10 hours a day six days a week.
Tell us about your upcoming fight, who you're fighting and where?
-I am fighting Ashley "Smashley" Cummins at Invicta Fighting Championship One!
What is your best experience as a fighter? What is your worst?
-The best experience as a fighter is working with kids and being a role model to them. I have a lot of little girls that I work with and it’s the best feeling in the world when they run up to me and give me a big hug when they see me. The worst experience is when I lost to Carina Damm knowing that she was completely using steroids.
What advice would you give to other women who are reading this interview and want to get started in MMA?
-The best advice I can give to any women that wants to get involved in the sport is just keep pushing forward and never give up, you can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to really want it.
What are some of the hurdles that you think Women in MMA need to overcome before Women's MMA will be considered a top level sport like Men's MMA is today?
-Well obviously we get doubted because we are women and most people think we are not capable of being in a male dominated sport but we are all equal and if everyone would just give us a fare chance I think we can grow a lot!
When do you think we will see women divisions in the UFC?
-I’m not sure if we will ever be in the UFC but that’s ok. We can make it without the UFC and I’m sure of that if we just keep pushing forward and stick together. We can have a show of our own like Invicta and make it to the top!
What or who are your inspirations in MMA and life?
-Knowing that I can do something that most people don’t believe I can inspires me to keep going!
Who are your favorite MMA fighters?
-I love BJ Penn and Joseph Benavidez.
How do you enjoy your free time when not training or fighting?
-I love to be outdoors, hiking, the beach and spending time with my family and friends.
Of course we have a few questions for the male readership as well.
Are you single?
-No I am not. I'm happily taken.
What do you look for in a person?
-Personality, someone that can make me laugh always steels my heart!
What are your turn-ons?
-A hard working man. Someone who works hard and wants to be the best at everything he does.
What are your turnoffs?
-When a man thinks he's better then everyone! Lol, a stuck up guy is not a cute one.
What would you say is your best feature?
-I get the most compliments on my smile ;) I love to smile!
Any future plans or dreams?
-My dream is to use the sport to start a foundation to help troubled teens and give them a place to go to get all their anger and frustrations out. I want to give them something to look forward to rather than fighting on the streets or using drugs and alcohol.
Any shout outs you would like to make?
-I just want to thank everyone who believes in me! You guys give me the strength to continue fighting. I want to make sure and mention a few people who I appreciate more then they know, Kim Couture, Slade Bitler, Jeff Pineda, of course my teammates at Wand Fight Team, my coaches Ali from A-team in California, my family and last but not least my other half Chad Roy. Chad has been such an awesome part of my support team, thank you for putting up with me even when I'm emotional and being a brat. I love all of you guys and I will make you proud ;)
Thank you for your time Sofia and definitely looking forward to your fight this weekend. Say hello to Sofia on Twitter @sofinator08.
Ashley Cummins def.. Sofia Bagherdai by Unanimous Decision (30-27,30-27,29-28)